Wednesday, August 22, 2018

In the Beginning...

13 Then the Lord God asked the woman, “How could you do such a thing?”

“The serpent tricked me,” she replied.

- Genesis 13, TLB

Ahhhhhh, there it is! We were doomed from the very start, 'original sin' = our first bumbled act of humanity!

Think about it!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Flitting to and fro through life!

Ok, so this is it - I actually have a blog, finally (I'm so behind the times, I know!) I also bought the matching domain, "Why?" you may ask.

Well...clearly I have, do and will 'bungle and stumble' through daily life and I suspect I'm not at all alone in this modas operandi. Much like Sydney White (played by Amanda Bynes in the 2007 movie of the same name) who embraced her inner 'dork', I claim, own and embrace that I 'bumble things yet venture on' - yes, I will Bumbleforth for another day! (Plus the word "bumble" just tickles my fancy!)

Maybe it's not the most miraculous mid-life epiphany, but it recently occurred to me, my life has been more of a jumble of moments, rather than going from "point A to B" in a straight or obvious way. I've tended to bumble about, flitting from ideal to ideal, finding treasured moments of happiness as I go, noting, my definition of happiness or 'fun' often evolving and morphing depending on my stage of maturity. 

I've found myself alone in many of my endeavors as well as entwined with other beloved bumblers (said with great mutually respectful endearment). And yes, there have been times I've been swatted away from my desired path by great adversity, which may or may not have been of my own doing (e.g. bumbling). 

So...I concede, this is in fact a part of who I am. While not completely earth shattering news, for me acknowledging this humanness is quite liberating and has put a smile on my heart!

I therefore choose to embrace my continued successes and foibles with optimistic idealism, believing I can 'try, try again!" and even if I fail, have an adventure or two along the way and yes, maybe even some 'fun'. I'm quite jazzed about this and I hope others join me in sharing this quite acceptable human 'norm' as well. No judgement, no labeling, no shaming. (Ok, perhaps eye rolls will be allowed, but only when done with a smile of "I can relate" attached.) Fair enough?

Now, let's see where this takes us...

To start, I choose the topic of 'collectibles.' I'll admit it, I've perhaps raised an eyebrow or two over someone's idea of what's collectible. But I find collections of just about anything interesting! Whether a rock collection from the front yard, or boxes of 4-H ribbons or a lifetime of antiques filling every nook and cranny of our parent's house, collectibles have been a part of my family's history as long as I can remember. Regardless if deemed of a certain dollar value or immense sentimental priceless-ness, collecting things seems to be one of my "fun" passions flitting about throughout my life. And I'm quite good with that! 

And, "what exactly is my collectible du jour?" I'm so glad you asked!

'Antique and vintage clothing buttons' fascinate me! I inherited a huge candy jar full or my grandma's stash some years ago and I've been mesmerized ever since, even if the intensity of interest and attention to managing my collection may ebb and flow from time to time (e.g. apparently perceived by some as being a bumbling hobbyist, alas true, such as I am!). My button collection, while precious to me, is 'low-grade' compared to those who show their fancies at the National Button Society's annual Button Convention/Show happening August 18-25, 2018 in Jacksonville, FL!  (An event that comes close to home here in Appleton, WI every few years; see the gallery of images from 2017 here).

To me, these decorative yet functional gems of worldly fashion history can provide one with a glorious eye-candy high. I believe Isaac Mizrahi  (of Project Runway fame) precisely nails my sentiments about buttons in his TED talk "How the button changed fashion." 

To be honest, my love of antique fashionables began when I was about 8 years old when my mom encouraged me to collect 'antique beaded and mesh purses," back when I could afford them for $10-20 each. I enjoy the fact that I still have that collection too, some of their values have appreciated nicely to perhaps 5-10 times that. But, it's not about the dollar value so much for me - again, something about their elegant beauty simply suits me. Now, if I actually DID SOMETHING with them, get them out and DISPLAYED them to enjoy...oh, how brilliant would that be!!  I guess I just challenged myself to a Fall project!!